Monday, September 13, 2010

Go green with brown!

This weekend I decided to start composting. There are different options for how you can do it. Whether you choose a pile, bin, or cage, you just need to make sure the materials can get air, water and proper nutrients (by contributing a variety of waste). Over 20% of waste in Alabamas landfills are organic materials like grass clippings, branches, leaves and fruit/vegtable scraps. I visited the Alabama Cooperative Extension website to learn more about composting in general. They have so many great resources for everything in the residential back yard from gardening to lawn maintenance, tree identification and earth friendly living.

We learned that pretty much anything I mentioned above in addition to egg shells and coffee grounds are perfect for compost. You can add fertilizer to help the process get started but usually the natural microorganisms will do the work on their own. Steer clear of adding meat scraps, bones, oil, grease or anything that might attract unwanted wildlife. And, cut down your branches so there is more surface area to begin decomposing. We are so excited to have rich soil to use in our garden next spring!

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